Friday, January 28, 2011

The Squirrel Hole

He said it was a squirrel hole. I wouldn’t’ve guessed that - I’d say I’m pretty sure squirrels live in trees - but that’s what he said it was and I wasn’t about to tell him different.

He told me if I ever wanted to know the Truth - he said Truth with a capital T - I could stick my hand down into that hole and pull out the answer. He said the squirrels hid it away in there and anyone who came upon one of their holes could just reach right in and find it. Easy as that.

The first note I pulled from the hole told me that my mother was having sweet whoopie with Mr Hooper down the street. I didn’t want to believe it, but it was written out plain as day. I asked him about the writing and he told me squirrels practiced for years and years to have such good pen-man-ship. Not being men, it didn’t come easy to them.

I told mother about the squirrel hole and she told me he was crazy as a crack-house cat and I should never believe a word out of his mouth. I didn’t tell her about the note after that. After that I didn’t tell her about any of them Truth notes.

The next note said Christmas had flown the coop this year. That was another bad one, but turned out to be the Truth.

He told me that I should never check the squirrel hole without telling him about it first. He told me it was dangerous for a body to be the only one to know about some Truths. He said something like Truth with a capital T ought to be shared. It had to be carried with care and co-operation.

Later on I pulled out the note that told me to make plans for a big, joyous, most wonderful trip to a rare sort of place and just the next day he and I went to the mall for hotdogs and a cartoon movie.

Another time the squirrel note said I’d have to spin and spin around and redo the fourth grade. That, turned out, was True too.

It was just like that. The Truth kept on a-coming. Truths about me. Truths about my mother. Truths about people on the street. Truths about school. Truths about all sorts of things. Sometimes it was good. Sometimes it was bad. Sometimes it was neither one - only some no-matter kinda thing. I’d say it was fun though. For a while it got so I wanted to go by that squirrel hole all the time, but he warned me against it. He said there’s some Things that it’s best not to know and every time I stuck my hand in I was taking a risk of finding out one of those Things I wouldn’t want to know. I’d say that disappointed me some, but I remembered that first Truth about my mother and thought he might be right about that one and I’d better believe him.

So then it was only once in a great while that I went by that squirrel hole. I’m going to be truthful - with a lowercase t this time, but you can believe it - after hearing his words, I’d say it got so I was scared of going a little bit. I never told him that, of course, but it got to the point that most of the time it was him that suggested we go down there and not me.

But every time we did go it was some Truth in there just waiting to be pulled out. Them squirrels sure did have a lot of it to spread around.

I’d say all went as normal as could be until he got sick and had to go to the hospital. He went in and I just had to know. I mean I was worried about him and I thought them squirrels might have some sort of Truth that’d help in some kinda way. Well it was the only time I ever went to that squirrel hole without telling him about it. I didn’t want to worry him none since he couldn’t go with me anyway. They wouldn’t let him out of the hospital for anything at all - even for Truth-finding. So I went to that squirrel hole by myself and stuck my hand in and...

I’d say it seems like this is the time for the story to take a little break so you wonder what it was I found. Tension is what I mean. With a capital T.

Well, ok, I’ll tell you now. I found nothing. Not a thing at all was in that squirrel hole. And I didn’t know what to think about that one. I’d say it made me pretty nervous. I thought maybe the squirrels had figured out that we’d found their hole and had moved on to some other place. I thought at last the Truth had run out. But wouldn’t you know it? I was wrong about that one. Lo and behold, turned out that there’s not always a need for a piece of paper in these matters. Turned out that Nothing can be a Truth too.

And that’s just how it was.

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